
October 21, 2011

In memory of Jayasree Satish: Soya-Vaangi Bhath

"Perhaps they are not stars, but rather openings in heaven where the love of our lost ones pours through and shines down upon us to let us know they are happy." ~ Eskimo Proverb 

Image: Lata Raja
It was a dim Wednesday morning on October 12th when things were quiet.Then, Bang! I read the status message on Lataji's FB profile. I almost wanted to cry. How can somebody vanish into thin air, just like that. A fun-loving, warm and ever-smiling person is no more. She is Jayasree Satish who blogged at "Experiments in Kailas Kitchen". Her blog was full of lively conversations, sharing some snippets of life around her and featured traditional recipes. For people away home, it felt like home.

I am still in disbelief. Is Life so short and unpredictable?

It was on September 3rd she 'liked' Cooking With Siri page and within a month's time, she is gone. I just wish, I can go back in time and pray for her good health, get her back.

Soya-Vaangi Bhath

My condolences to her family and hope God give them enough strength to get through this tragic time.

In an effort to keep this amazing woman in our memories, the food blogger community gave a shout out to cook Jayashree's recipes, with no modifications whatsoever.

I made some Soya-Vaangi Bhath. Click here for the recipe.

Soya-Vaangi Bhath

People do not die for us immediately, but remain bathed in a sort of aura of life which bears no relation to true immortality but through which they continue to occupy our thoughts in the same way as when they were alive.  It is as though they were traveling abroad.  ~ Marcel Proust

R.I.P Jayasree.


  1. That was very unfortunate Siri. Like you said it always felt like being back home with Kailas kitchen.
    You have said it so beautifully and it is such a comfort that all of share the sentiments.

  2. How awfully sad. Your words about Jayashree are beautiful and I'm sure her family and friends would be touched by their meaning and knowing that her words and her blog were enjoyed and meaningful in your life for however short a time. And I'm sure your recreation of her recipe will do the original justice :)

  3. sad to hear this news Siri very nice of you to do this post I will check the site

  4. A nice tribute to jeyashri. Even i was shocked to just believe that life is so short. May her soul rest in peace. Soya vaangi bhath is so comforting.


'Thought is the blossom; language the bud; action the fruit behind it' ~ Ralph Waldo Emerson

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